Parker Mountain

By AlpineZone News |
Jan 21 2001 - 11:43 AM

Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001

Parker Mountain (1410′) is in Strafford, New Hampshire. This mountain is a good place to practice with snowshoes. I took the Mooers Loop Trail to the Link Trail to the Spencer Smith Trail to the 10′ cairn on the summit. The Mooers Loop Trail is an old logging road and is easy to hike on. There was a tree across the trail that was difficult to cross with snowshoes. Then I took the Link Trail up the side of Parker Mountain. This trail is not too steep but it’s not blazed that well. The Link ends at the Spencer Smith Trail which is 0.3 miles from the summit cairn. There were no views from the summit but there is a little ways past the cairn. I took a break on a ridge with views and headed back on the Spencer Smith Trail down the mountain. It was overcast and warm for a January day. The loop is only 2.7 miles but it is was an excellent hike.

Submitted by Farmer Bob
Dover, NH
Sun, 21 Jan 2001