2006 Olympian Hannah Kearney Returns to Waterville Valley
WATERVILLE VALLEY, New Hampshire ??” On Monday, January 16, Waterville Valley Resort and the WV BBTS Ski Club will host an Olympic-size send off for its own Hannah Kearney who will compete in the mogul competition at the 2006 Torino Olympics next month. Kearney returns to Waterville Valley with fellow US Ski Team member Tim Preston. Both Kearney and Preston started their careers with the WV BBTS Ski Club under the wings of award-winning coaches Nick and Suzi Preston.
The celebration will begin at 12:00 noon, when kids and families are invited to welcome Hannah at the base area. Future Olympians from Waterville Valley will then have the opportunity to ski with Hannah and Tim in the afternoon.
At 3:00 p.m. Diamond’s Edge North Restaurant in the Waterville Valley Town Square will host a poster-signing and reception for the athletes. The day will end with one last Olympic-size send off for Kearney and her family.
Hannah Kearney is an alumna of the BBTS Ski Club in its freestyle program. The BBTS Ski Club is a season long weekend training program for alpine, freestyle and snowboard athletes ages 5-18 and alpine masters racers. The BBTS Ski Club is operated by Waterville Valley Black and Blue Trail Smashers Ski Educational Foundation which also operates Waterville Valley Academy, a five month academic and snowsports academy for full time alpine racers, freestyle skiers and snowboarders in grades 6-12. WVBBTS was named the USSA Freestyle Club of the Year in 1999 and 2004.
For more information and up-to-date snow conditions, go to www.waterville.com.