Fall Foliage Events & Lodging Packages at Waterville Valley
WATERVILLE VALLEY, New Hampshire — In addition to spectacular leaf peeping, hiking, and biking in the surrounding White Mountains, Waterville Valley, New Hampshire serves up two family event weekends this fall. On Saturday, September 29, it’s the 18th annual Chowderfest with area restaurants vying for the “best chowda” award. Guests can sample all the chowders for $5 and then vote for their favorite. Chowderfest and an outdoor concert with Jim Hollis start in Town Square at 12:00 Noon.
Waterville’s Fall Festival runs over Columbus Day Weekend with a full line up of family fun. It starts on Saturday with two major ski sales at 9:00 am. Sport Thoma opens with a “kick off the season sale” at the base of the ski area while the WVBBTS Ski and Snowboard Swap is held at Town Square. Town Square continues to be the hub of activity all day Saturday with amusement rides and an outdoor concert. Sunday’s events start with the White Mountain Road Race sponsored by WVBBTS Ski Club and Waterville Valley Recreation Center with a 5k road race, 1k family fun run and a tot trot at 9:30 am. Registration forms are on line at www.wvbbts.org. Family events continue all Sunday in Town Square with a traveling barnyard, pumpkin painting and a mini pie eating contest. The Grinning Lizards perform outdoors from 12-3 pm. All the details can be found at waterville.com.
Fall Discovery Packages at the Golden Eagle Lodge, Snowy Owl Inn, Black Bear Lodge and Town Square Condominiums feature these special events along with a full list of resort recreation as part of the package. Unlimited use of the Valley’s 18 clay outdoor tennis courts, a daily round of golf on the 9-hole course, two hours of mountain biking and access to the White Mountain Athletic Club are all included. Fall Discovery Packages start at $69 per person, per night, double occupancy and can be booked online at waterville.com or by calling 1-800 GO VALLEY. Rates do not include taxes and are subject to availability.