Jay Peak Offers Discounted Lift Tickets to Other Ski Area Pass Holders
JAY, VT ??” Skiing and snowboarding at Jay Peak is unlike anything you’ll experience at any other resort in eastern North America. Not only will you almost always find fresh snow (every season the mountain sees more snow than any other resort in the East) and be treated to some of the best glade skiing in North America, you’ll also discover something that is increasingly difficult to come by at major resorts in the Northeast: affordable skiing and snowboarding.
With several levels of discounting and a welcoming philosophy of inviting other mountain pass holders to ‘visit what they’ve been missing’, Jay Peak uses January to begin showcasing the deepest winter in eastern North America.
“Our policy of offering discounted lift tickets to other mountain pass holders is unique to eastern skiing and riding,” said Bill Stenger, President of Jay Peak. “If you own any level of pass to any other ski area anywhere in North America you can buy a $35 lift ticket any day of the week. Some areas offer limited midweek discounts but generally the restrictions and black out dates make it prohibitive to visit. At Jay, other mountain pass holders are welcome every single day.”
Starting Monday, January 3rd and continuing right through until the end of the season (usually mid-April) guests with season passes from any ski resort in North America can purchase discounted lift tickets at Jay Peak. Just present your season pass at Customer Service on Tramside any day of the week – including weekends and holidays – and you’ll be able to ski/ride for just $35 (Adult) or $20 (Junior). This deal is even offered at par to Canadian guests with valid proof of residency (ie. driver’s license, Medicare card, etc.).
Canadian guests are also invited to stay midweek any time in January and pay for their lodging at par. Packages start at $154.50 CAD per night and include one night lodging in the Hotel Jay, a 1-day lift ticket, dinner and breakfast, free daycare for kids 2 to 7, kids 14 and under ski and stay free (kids 6 and under eat free too), and free Adult lessons.
Along with discounted rates for other mountain pass holders, Vermonters and Clinton County, NY residents always ski and ride for $37 at Jay Peak; Jay Passport and Family Club members can ski and ride for as little as $40 a day; and Bulk tickets can be purchased in increments of 25 for as little as $33 for Adults and $29 for Juniors. Canadian guests can purchase all full priced tickets (and many discount tickets) at par when they present valid proof of residency (ie. driver’s license, Medicare card, etc.).
Visit jaypeakresort.com for more information on any of Jay Peak’s discount programs.