Mountain Creek’s Ride with the Ride Team a Success

By AlpineZone News |
Dec 31 2004 - 01:12 PM

VERNON, NJ ??” On Tuesday, December 28, 2005 Mountain Creek offered local riders a chance to spend the day with their favorite pros. Representing the Ride Team was Vernon’s own Brian Regis and one of New England’s finest, Shane Flood. 5150’s Jesse House also came out to enjoy the mountain.

Ride Snowboards also provided the riders with the opportunity to demo their latest boards for this season. There was a great turnout with forty local riders registering for the free event and even more coming out throughout day. By the last session, there was such enthusiasm amongst the kids to stay out and ride, that Regis took an extra run rather than heading inside for autographs.

At the close the afternoon, Regis, Flood and House spent over an hour in Mountain Creek’s Hex Bar & Grill autographing posters, taking pictures, talking and spending time with the kids. All involved had a great time and along with the fresh snowfall, it was an awesome way to kick off the season. To learn more about upcoming events at Mountain Creek, log on to