Whiteface Mountain Named Top 10 Destination by Smarter Traveler

By AlpineZone News |
Dec 05 2013 - 01:14 PM

whitefaceWILMINGTON, N.Y. — The secret is out that Whiteface Mountain, in Wilmington, N.Y., is one of the world’s best ski destinations. And as if we needed any proof or validation, Smarter Travel included the resort in its listing of the “10 Best International Ski Destinations.”

Whiteface Mountain was one of only three ski resorts in the United States to make the list. Recognized worldwide as the Olympic mountain, for hosting the 1980 Olympic Winter Games alpine events, and for having the greatest vertical east of the Rockies, at 3,430-feet, Whiteface Mountain, Wilmington and the Lake Placid region were also touted for its unique array of off-hill activities that guests can also experience such as biathlon, skeleton sliding and bobsledding.

“You can never get tired for receiving accolades that distinguish our ski resort from any other resort in the northeastern United States and beyond,” added New York State Olympic Regional Development (ORDA) president/CEO Ted Blazer. ORDA manages Whiteface Mountain, and all of Lake Placid’s Olympic venues, as well as Gore Mountain, in North Creek, N.Y., and Belleayre Ski Resort, in Highmount, N.Y. “It’s a testament to not only the hard work of ORDA’s staff, but to everyone in this region that helps to make this place so unique and special to everyone who visits.”

The listing in Smarter Travel comes just a few weeks after Lake Placid was also mentioned in the November issue of Destinations Travel Magazine. The article describes the upstate New York community as “charming” and “history filled.” It also goes on to say that “Regardless of the season, Lake Placid has something for just about everyone.”

For 23 consecutive years, Whiteface Lake Placid, N.Y. has been selected as the top destination for Off -Hill Activities by readers of SKI Magazine. The 2014 survey also tabbed Whiteface Mountain as the 10th top ski resort in the eastern United States. Whiteface also received kudos for Après Ski Activities (No. 4), Challenge (4), Scenery (No. 5), Character (No. 6), Dining (9) and Overall Value (No.10).

This spring, SnowEast Magazine readers chose Whiteface Lake Placid as New York State’s number-one ski resort. The more than 6,000 participants in the survey also named Whiteface Lake Placid as the east’s second overall favorite ski resort and the east’s most scenic.

The 56th season of skiing and riding at Whiteface Mountain is underway and the Olympic mountain is kicking off its winter events, Sunday, Dec. 8, with its first of five Super Sundays presented by Bud Light. It’s a historic Sunday at Whiteface and lift tickets are just $40/adults, $35/teens and seniors and $30/juniors.

Come celebrate 81 years since Whiteface Lake Placid played host to the 1932 Olympic Winter Games and 32 years when the region entertained the 1980 Olympic Winter Games. Along with the Historic Super Sunday, Whiteface will also host its first rail jam of the season. Registration starts at 8 a.m., at the guest services desk, while practice begins at 10:30 a.m. The competition gets underway at 11. The entry fee is just $10.

After a super day of skiing and riding, the party moves upstairs to the Cloudspin Lounge, with Jagermeister and Bud Light drink specials.

Don’t forget about Coca-Cola’s Why Not Wednesdays? Present any empty Coca-Cola product and get a one-day adult lift ticket for only $42 at Whiteface. Offer not valid with any other offers, programs, promotions, discounts, or frequent skier products. Limit one ticket per can.

For more information on the Olympic venues and events, and for web cams from five locations, please log on to www.whiteface.com.

— ORDA —

Established in 1982, the New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) was created by the State of New York to manage the facilities used during the 1980 Olympic Winter Games at Lake Placid. ORDA operates Whiteface, Belleayre and Gore Mountain ski areas; the Olympic Sports Complex at Mt. Van Hoevenberg; the Olympic speed skating oval, Olympic jumping complex and Olympic arena. As host to international and national championships, the Authority has brought millions of athletes, spectator and participants to the region, resulting in significant economic development.