Sugarbush 4/14 and 78 degrees.

We spent Sunday at Smuggs in the trees (there was still a lot to play in) since MRG got rained out. Monday was completely different, skiing in shorts and t-shirts getting sunburned. Online and when we got there showed Heavens Gate as open but of course it was on "wind hold" and never opened. Ended up lapping Steins most of the day which is now my new favorite spring bump run. That thing puts Superstar to shame. Organgrinder had some scattered bumps and lips to play on by the end of the day. We were able to make one last tree run above and then into Egan’s Woods. $329 for a 20s pass next year so I will be jumping on that. I think there is a limit on how many Warren Miller movie tickets they let you use.


Some big bumps…
big bumps.jpg


Some lines Savemeasammy aka Ponytail Express would love.
lower steins.jpg

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