Bromley’s Thrill Fest Weekend, this Saturday & Sunday
PERU, Vermont — On Saturday and Sunday, September 19th and 20th, all day Adventure Passes, good for as many rides on as many rides, slides and attractions in the Sun Mountain Adventure Park – everything except the Sun Mountain Flyer – are just twenty-five bucks a pop!
But wait, there’s more. on Saturday afternoon, out on the sun deck, there’s a Sun Deck BBQ and live music by Gypsy Reel. Gypsy Reel plays stirring, high-energy music rooted in the Celtic tradition but garnered from global musical traditions. Their music is an exciting synthesis of classic Celtic, world rhythms plus influences from at least three continents.
The Sun Mountain Flyer soars as high as a five-story building. It approaches speeds of 50 MPH. At one-half-mile long, it’s the longest thrill ride of its kind in New England, one of only three on the east coast, and one of only ten in the world, and it sells out quickly. To ride the Flyer, arrive at the park early and reserve your time slot at the ticket booth. Single rides are $15 with an Adventure Pass, $20 without.
Preview the rides, slides and the Sun Mountain Flyer at, and take a virtual Flyer ride:
The Sun Mountain Adventure Park is on Route 11, six miles east of Manchester, Vermont. Open 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., weekends only, October 12. Also open on Monday, Columbus Day.