Sugarbush Extends Season

By AlpineZone News |
Apr 09 2008 - 09:19 AM

WARREN, Vermont — “Because there’s just too much snow.”

That was Sugarbush Resort president Win Smith’s response when asked why Sugarbush on Monday decided to keep Lincoln Peak open for seven-days-a-week operations through Sunday April 27th. As originally scheduled, the resort closed its Mt. Ellen operations on March 31st and had planned to keep Lincoln Peak open through April 20th. On that day, resort officials had planned to close, evaluate the snow conditions and decide whether or not to open for the following weekend. But with one of the deepest snow packs in the state and a forecast of sunshine and blue sky, Sugarbush decided to keep the chairs spinning at Lincoln Peak through the last weekend in April.

“We’ve had one of our snowiest seasons in years and people are continuing to come up to the mountain to enjoy the conditions,” continued Smith. “Plus, with many New England schools on vacation that final week of April, we wanted to provide some additional options for family fun.”

The extended opening is contingent upon snow conditions remaining good and Mother Nature’s continued cooperation. The resort’s lift schedule and food and beverage operations for April 21-27 will be determined in the coming weeks.

Said Smith, “With winter lasting through March and spring’s sun just starting to shine, why end the fun?”

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