1/3/19 Cranmore

When I moved to New England about 15 years ago I had a long list of places I wanted to ski. Over the years I have crossed off a lot of places. Prior to today I was left with two NH mountains, Cranmore and Black. My spouse knowing that got me a Cranmore gift card. So I head up today from my NH place.

When I left this morning I had a little over 2 inches of light fluffy snow on my truck. When I got to Cranmore they receive about 2-3 inches on top of the their groomed base. They did get about 5 inches earlier in the week. I love fresh light snow on a heavier base. Weather was bluebird skies, no wind at all, and in the 20s. Really a comfortable day to ski with no lines and most of the non gladed trails open. Surface conditions were great unless you wanted everything groomed flat (those people are out there) because the light snow was mounded up all over but you could so easily cut right through it. I laughed out loud more than once on my first few runs.

I know Cranmore by today’s standards is not a resort and is somewhat in the same orbit as Gunstock, Sunapee, Pico, etc. Day trippers some vacationers, and a lot of second home owners. Like those other places I was impressed how they have maximized every bit of the mountain terrain. They seem to know their market and are not trying to be something they are not.

While not the most challenging terrain I found it a playful kind of place. Great views today too which never hurts. I had a great day and got a lot of skiing so I left around 2. Glad I finally made it up there. I love old school mountains and Cranmore definitely fit the bill. If North Conway was not such a pain in the ass to get to I could see doing family ski days up there with my nieces.

Cranmore summit view.jpg
Cranmore Front Trails.jpg
Skimeister trail.jpg

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