Berkshire East 1/28

After getting home from Mount Snow on Tuesday, my friend called and complained about how jealous she was, and that she couldn’t get anyone to go skiing with her. So I did the honorable thing; burned a vacation day and took her to Berkshire East.

We got there late, around 10:00, but there was NO ONE there. We did some cruisers to warm up and found a lot of untouched corduroy. Flying Cloud was my favorite trail of the day. It was slightly bumped up on the right which held the snow very well, and the pitch made it a bit of a challenge and a workout. I had never been to B-East during the day before so I took the opportunity to explore. We had a blast and all the trails skied well, except for the East Glades. I tried it hoping the cover would be adequate, but no dice. Thin cover and lots of barely buried deadfall threatening to take me down. I made my way down cautiously and stuck to the cut trails after that. The sun came out in the afternoon and the temp got up to the mid 20’s, which felt good.

Overall, it was a great day with great company. My friend was super happy to get out on the snow, and anytime I can do that for someone I will. We ended the day with some fantastic chinese food, a scorpion bowl, and then drinks and a movie back at my place. At that point it wouldn’t have been safe for her to drive home so… 😎