Burke 3/31/15

I was able to sneak in a little bit of skiing on an amazing day. Burke got an inch or two of snow the night before. Even though it was March 31st, the conditions were pretty much mid-winter. Temps were about 35 at the base and 20 at the summit. The only sign of spring-like snow was at the absolute bottom of the mountain. The only downside is that the boilerplate that has been around since just after Christmas made its presence known every now and then. The moguls were really firm under the little bit of snow that fell. And every now and then on the groomers you would hit a patch of hard pack. But on the groomers the vast majority of the surface was really great.

Crowds were non-existent. Some mothers with young kids and some people who looked like they blew off work because it was such a nice day. There were also some teenagers around – perhaps BMA students. But by and large the trails were empty.

Burke could easily go later than their scheduled closing date. They are going to be closing with LOTS of snow. I was hoping to hear that they would close mid-week and extend an extra weekend, but so far it looks like they are keeping to the announced schedule.