Gunstock 3-28-2015

Date(s) Skied: 3/28/2015

Resort or Ski Area: Gunstock

Conditions: Frozen Granular, soft snow, 1-3 inches on top

Trip Report: With one week left in the season at Gunstock, I felt it mandatory to make it out here today. Conditions were groomed frozen granular in the morning and softened up during the day. There was about 1-3 inches of snow falling on top, so the conditions continued to get better as the day went on. I hit EVERYTHING on the mountain, with the exception of Hotshot. The did open it later in the day, but my legs were getting sore. I ended up skiing 27.6 miles according to the alpine zone app, which was the most I’ve skied in many years. All in all a very satisfying day out on the hill! Did I mention it was snowing???

some photos:


Celebratory Ice Cream: