Hunter – Pres Weekend

This is not my review (although I can vouch that it is accurate as this guys posts always are)

President’s Weekend 2020, Day 2 update:
What would be an improvement on yesterday’s conditions? You guessed it , flat light and a lack of new blown snow. Admittedly , the first two burners we took down hellgate were pretty awesome, but it really didn’t take long for the blue ice to begin to reappear across the mountain. The trails that were prime real estate yesterday were but a fond memory.
Temps were greatly improved, warmer at the start of today than the warm part of yesterday. That had little effect on the porcelain and blue ice.Eastside and Minya skied just like your favorite porcelain potty and there were questions of why Huega and Dropoff were open. Never hit Blackcloud, just more of the same. Racer’s was a surprisingly good run, #2 rating for the day. Rip’s was LOUD!. Twilight, interesting, but not that much. Overlook was best of the 3 VailHuntah North runs. And wasn’t that parking lot full. Guess those t shirts weren’t that good a draw. Best run of the day, Claire’s.
Big disappointment that the contraption that was to improve lift line flow was not implemented as it had been on Wednesday. This would be the perfect weekend and especially in conjunction with some lift issues. What’s up with the main six-pack??
Looks like that t shirt promotion might have been a bust! Parking miles from the main lodge and having to boot-up in your car, no lodge, no toilets, no food service. Yeah a 2 dollar t shirt makes that worthwhile.. Thank god for the VailHuntah marketeers. And it was really nice to see the new lift line configuration at the northern six pack. Yeah, that’s going to work really well with the crowds here.
No lift line issues until post lunch and those may only have been encountered on the front. But, we can anticipate more as more lifts have the new ‘Vail’ way configurations. Remember, in Colorado cannabis is legal and more of the crowd is mellow. NY/Nj, not so much.
Claire’s was a shit show at the donut and why is the right side not open yet? Worst run of the day, the former trail known as Wayout, but lovingly renamed Lookout!!! And the best comedic representation of cluster-fuck could be viewed on Belt Parkway adjacent to the unloading zone of the northern 6 pack. Oh, if only Warren Miller were still with us!!
Well, that’s a wrap! Get out there and rip it up. Ski fast and take chances and always aim for the blue VailHuntah powder! Until next time!