Stratton – 11/28/19

Thanksgiving morning turns thanks to buying the Ikon pass for trip out West. Stratton the only game in town..

Woke up to 3” of dense snow at 2,300’ at Bromley townhouse. Ride to Stratton showed no snow in the valley. They reported 1” but that was at the base. 3” up on upper mountain for sure. Late groom so the snow had mostly been groomed into the base with a dusting to 1/2” on top. Wasn’t too cold yet either so very edgeable. It did firm up a bit as it cooled down and spots got skied off but overall good conditions.

ROTD was Polar Bear. Ursa wasn’t running so not many people over that way. Some side powder shots as well.

Mellow crowds overall.

No snowmaking but numerous trails set up and sure to be on by dark.

Should skis nicely this weekend. I’ll be at Bromley as it will open again tomorrow.511408EE-A95D-4B60-95C9-409F2970BA3B.jpg

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