Sugarbush 2/3/19

For whatever reason I felt sluggish and like something was coming on Saturday night…set my alarm for 4:30 Sunday morning but fell back asleep and woke back up at 8. Left Right away so I could still get a decent half day in. Rolled into North at 11:45 and the summits were already socked in.

First couple runs didn’t feel good at all. Skied some woods between Bravo and Elbow and didn’t have a good run in there…kinda slick and skied out but a lot of it was just me. Similar results from a run down Tumbler…rather icy but usually I’m fine on stuff like that. Tough visibility with mist and fog freezing on goggles but light enough to ski without them in the bumps and woods.

Hopped on the Slide Brook hoping some Castlerock would help me feel better. It was noticeably warmer on South and the fog want freezing as much. Still foggy as hell. Headed down a crowded sleeper as I didn’t feel like schlepping up to the traverse…snow was quite a bit softer even with the added traffic.

Headed up Super Bravo, down Deathspout (which was surprisingly rippable!) and onto the connector from hell down to Castlerock. Probably the worst covered trail section on the entire mountain.

Decided Middle Earth would be a good place to start. It was in it’s glory…solid but skiable bumps, rocks, and a nice river in the middle of the trail about halfway down. Started skiing a bit better but definitely not good enough to venture over to Rumble.

Headed up to Heavens Gate and over to Paradise. Finally got it kicked into gear on that run. A little more loose snow than on Castlerock but still pretty gnarly. Only took 5 runs but I was finally warmed up.

A rather slick Jester was next down to Egan’s Woods. Very nice conditions in there…a few fresh pockets but otherwise nice and soft. Got spit out onto the bottom of Steins so played around on the whales.

Was getting close to 3:00 so headed back to the Madhouse…I mean Gatehouse Quad. Had time for a quick North Lynx Liftline run…pretty good with some bump lines and variable snow.

Took the Slide Brook back and was greeted by an icy breeze after crossing the ridge from South. Noticed at the bottom that North Ridge was down for the day (and that side skis weird without it) so took one run up Inverness into some woods and then called it a day.

At Jay right now…spring has arrived.