Sunday River 1/4/15

Lets see…started the day with Tempest lift being down, so had to walk up Barker access road to get to a lift – 1/2 mile uphill in skiboots. So I was nicely warmed up by the time I got to lift.

10" of fluff with some crust on top and a little misty at 8:30ish. We took Barker quad – Right Stuff was beautiful – decrusted in middle of trail, husband and I went for the crusty side and put in some effort. Then went to Bim’s Whim…seemed the higher you went the thicker the crust. So being 2/3 tracks down was not fun…nearly impossible to turn in that stuff – appreciated the snowboarders that passed us – they’re better at crust busting. Then went to Obsession – beau-ti-ful… Then lift up and took White Heat. Headwall the day before was an icy nightmare – was nicely covered and tons of snow in fluffy pillows with some crust. Then another obsession, then headed to Risky Business – ooohhhhh nice bumps on right. Then Last Tango – nice coverage and mostly de-crusted – very nice run. Then we did another Right Stuff – ugh…quickly scratched down by then…except nice bumps along right. Then a cascade or two…another couple repeats. Never made it beyond Spruce – had to leave about 1:30-2….but I would have gone all day if I could. What a beauty of a day after a week of hardness. I think my goggles handle mist/freezing stuff well – I had no problem seeing but husband was annoyed lol. Not much after 11am or so though.