Cannon Super Bowl Sunday 2015

Cannon was pretty great today. Everything was open except for Tramline and Skylight due to snowmaking on that trail. Looking at the forecast a couple of days ago I was expecting a frigid day, but it was quite comfortable. The top was maybe only 5 degrees, but wind was pretty non-existent about 100 yards below the summit. Crowds were real mellow. Zoomer had a 5 minute line due to the race, but most elsewhere was nearly ski on throughout the day.

Skied all over the hill. Mittersill has great coverage for the most part. Best snow of the day was in Mushroom Glade by far. Kinsman skied pretty great as well. That was my first time skiing it and I can see why some consider it the best marked glade in the East.

If I could make one complaint it was the rampant snowmaking happening on the hill. Don’t get me wrong, it was impressive to see them pounding Profile, Skylight, Taft and a few other spots. However, Cannon has this reputation as a nasty cold mountain to ski. I would have turned off the guns for the most part during the day on a weekend. Riding the Cannonball with the guns blasting is a little annoying.

That all said, awesome ski day with Madmadworld and Mishka.

Couple of pics – Mushroom Glade and Kinsman

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